Monday, December 27, 2010

Statistics: Courses and Career

Statistics is a subject which deals with numbers which may have a relationship with one another or change in different situations. Using various statistical methods conclusions can be inferred from the numbers. Professor PC Mahalnobis is the pioneer of statistical methods in India. Basically a physicist, he was introduced to the statistics by W.H. Macaulay through Biometric tables. Prof. Mahalnobis first used statistical methods to handle examination systems in Calcutta University.  He later developed many statistical tools and techniques to apply them in various fields like anthropology, epidemiology, demography, meteorology etc. Increasingly statistical means were being used in planning process in Independent India.  Prof.  Mahalnobis started National Sample Survey. A sample survey means assessing a situation by studying a part of it which would represent the whole.
Statistics Education: Indian students are introduced to elementary statistical tools and technique during secondary and senior secondary levels as a part of their mathematics curriculum. Most universities in India offer BA/B.Sc. pass or honours course in Statistics. During graduation one may opt for statistics, along with mathematics and physics in several Indian universities. In arts stream one may opt mathematics, statistics and economics. Masters degree in economics is offered by many Indian universities in both sciences as well as arts stream. The most prestigious institute of statistics is of course Indian Statistical Institute founded by none other than Prof. Mahalnobis in Kolkata. Now the Institute has several centres throughout India including Delhi, Bangalore, Baroda, Chennai, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, and Pune. Admissions are made through national level entrance tests held in first week of May every year. Students   who have qualified Indian National Mathematics Olympiad are exempted from the test. The courses offered include three years B. Stat. and two years M. Stat.  Stipend is provided to all selected students. Master’s degree holders in Statistics can also opt for Master of Science in Quantitative Economics, M. Tech, computer Science or in Quality, Reliability and Operations Research.  Part time certificate course in statistical method and application is also offered in Kolkata, Delhi and Hyderabad centres. Students of statistics pursuing their statistics education from any university in India may become student member of Indian Statistical institute by paying nominal sum and can avail various privileges.
Job Prospects:   Statisticians play important roles in the sphere of planning, industry, commerce, insurance, finance, medical, social and agricultural research both in the government and private sector.  While these academicians enjoy a privileged role in the corporate world, as part of the Indian Statistical Service or apex financial institutions, like the Reserve Bank of India, they provide information on which policies can be formulated. Government organizations such as the Planning Commission, and government-funded agencies such as the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), the Indian council of medical research (ICMR) as well as other central and state government offices, statistical and economic bureaus, institutions associated with socio-economic research, banks and various public sector undertakings, employ statisticians. Senior-level positions in the central government are filled through the UPSC and in the state governments through the state public service commissions. Junior positions are advertised or filled through employment exchanges. Statisticians may join the Indian Economic Service. Private companies also employ statistics postgraduates. In the Department of Statistical Analysis and Computer Applications (DESAC) of Reserve Bank of India, statisticians work as Research Officer Gr-B.

Indian Statistical Service (All India service)
The written exam and interview is conducted by UPSC. Eligibility - Post Graduate degree with Statistics/Mathematical Stats/ Applied Stats. The Department of Statistics in the Ministry of Planning and Programme Implementation is the apex body for statistical work. ISS oversees the work of the Central Statistical Organization (CSO), the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO), the Computer Centre and the Pay and Accounts Office. The Indian Statistical Service (ISS) almost annually offers limited number of vacancies in their cadre. The service offers placement in government departments, in commercial centres, as functionaries of the Planning Boards, departments of institutional finance, commerce, economic affairs, industry, agriculture, stock exchanges, Planning Commission, the National Sample Survey Organization and other such Organizations/agencies working in the area of economic policy formulation and statistical information, etc. After qualifying as an ISS probationer the career begins as an assistant director in CSO.

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