Monday, December 27, 2010

Relevance of National Science Day

Science and Technology have become an inseparable part of our daily life; hence creation of scientific awareness has now become the need of hour.  Celebration of National science day every year on 28 February contributes towards this goal. In 1986, National Council for Science & Technology Communication (NCSTC) of Department of Science and Technology took initiative to get the Government of India to designate February 28 as the National Science Day which is now celebrated all over the country in schools, colleges, universities and other academic, scientific, technical, medical and research institutions. This particular day was chosen in the honour of eminent physicist Sir C.V. Raman for his legacy, who discovered Raman effect on 28th February 1928. After two years of this discovery, Sir C. V. Raman brought the first Nobel Award for the country in 1930. Sir Raman is recognised for his work on the molecular scattering of light. Researchers across the world are still extracting exciting new results from his discoveries.  Raman Effect has continuously impacted every field of science. Its role in spectroscopy, medical diagnostics and material characterization had been phenomenal. Hence the National Science Day is a great day for Indian Science and scientific community.  
On the occasion of the first National Science Day,  NCSTC announced institution of the National Science Popularization awards for recognizing outstanding efforts in the area of science communication and popularization, which have been given annually since 1988. Capacity building of science communicators is another component of the NSD celebrations. Moreover a special commemorative stamp was also issued during first National Science Day. The first day cover of the stamp beautifully depicts the splitting of white light in seven colours by a prism.
Under the initiative of NCSTC various programmes ranging from a day to a full month either beginning or culminating on February 28 are implemented. The activities include debates, quiz competitions, exhibitions, science melas, posters, films and video clips, lectures, etc., involving college and school students and teachers. All programmes and activities revolve round a theme selected for focus every year. The activities organized on the occasion provide public with an opportunity to personally attend various programmes and be aware of the emerging issues of immediate concern. The aim of such science days and weeks is to engage and inspire people of all ages with science, engineering and technology. One of the basic objectives of observation of National Science Day is to spread the message of importance of science and its application among the people. Several reputed scientific organizations like BARC, ISRO, IMD etc. declare their premises open for public on NSD. Observation of NSD attempts at generating scientific minded citizens. Science has contributed a great deal for human welfare. On issues ranging from environment, disease eradication, space exploration, energy security, information highway to name a few, science and technology has immensely benefited mankind. Biotechnology is making a major impact on agriculture, health, environment, industry and pharmaceuticals. Communication at lower costs, with greater accessibility, is another product of science and technology. NSD helps in inculcating scientific temper among school children. It gives then opportunity of learning and experiencing science in fun way by actual participation in various hands on activities. The daily application of science like the use of clean drinking water, taking balanced diet, knowledge to eradicate contagious disease, the know-how of various agricultural practices to increase crop production, the usefulness of biodiversity conservation, etc., should be disseminated to the future generation.  All the NSD activities are planned around a theme suggested by NCSTC. Some of the recent themes are as follows:
Recreating Interest in Basic Science
Information Technology for Science Education
Wealth from Waste                       
50 years of DNA & 25 years of IVF – The blue print of Life
Encouraging Scientific Awareness in Community
Celebrating Physics
Nurture Nature for our future
More Crop Per Drop
Understanding planet earth
Expanding horizon for science
The National Science Day celebrations this year will be conducted with a focal theme on “Gender equity for prosperity with peace”.  Since gender equity is one of the millennium development goals which has prompted stakeholders to choose this theme. Scientific research and gender equity, Impact of science and technological development in gender equity, gender challenges in science education and research, gender equity in professional education etc. could be the various subthemes to ponder upon.  Educational Institutes interested in organizing the activities may approach state council of science and technology for assistance. Actually seventy five percent share of financial commitments is met by NCSTC and the rest is to be borne by the state council.

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